Poses & Presentation – Bikini

Get Started

“Posing is an art, demands in-depth knowledge, study and lots of practice. And it's not just about having an excellent physique., if you don’t know how to show it.”

Ricardo Pannain will teach you all the aspects necessary for you to achieve excellence in your performance on stage. Very dynamically, the class presents the technical requirements of the Bikini category, along with details that will make you learn to hide your deficiencies and highlight the strongest points of your physique. It's not about what you think is beautiful, but what the referees want to see.

Among other content, you will have access to:

  • Technical requirements of each compulsory pose;
  • Specifics and dynamics of each pose;
  • How to build your presentation;
  • How to choose and enhance your poses;
  • Guidance for transitions;
  • Behavioral aspects;
  • Judges' expectations.


You can watch the class multiple times… Pauses… Train in front of the mirror… Back to class… Repeat… Until you become an expert, qualified and confident.


Turn every moment on stage into something special, taking your performance to the next level!