Vacuum Course – Hypopressive Exercises

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The postural and respiratory training program based on the hypopressive technique is an approach that incorporates fundamental principles of anatomy, physiology and neuroeducation. This methodology integrates the hypopressive technique, myofascial chains and neurodynamics, providing a holistic approach to improving your health and well-being.

Each stage has a video lesson technically demonstrating the execution of the exercises and explaining in detail all the movements and sequences, plus an extra weekly routine for individual practice.

Students will also have at their disposal a study and interaction environment with professor Karina Onji.

This comprehensive program aims to not only strengthen your muscles and decrease your waist circumference, but also seeks to optimize the body's physiological functions, providing substantial benefits:

• Improvement in Respiratory Capacity: Stretching the diaphragm promotes more effective expansion of the lungs, resulting in a significant improvement in respiratory capacity.
• Increase in red blood cells, which increases the body's oxygen supply capacity and consequently, performance improvement.
• Intestinal Transit: The technique contributes to stimulating intestinal peristalsis, promoting healthier and more regular traffic.
• Prevents urinary incontinence and abdominal diastasis.
• Lumbar Decompression: Regular practice of hypopressive exercises helps decompress the lumbar region, relieving possible tensions and discomforts.
• Return Circulation: Reducing intra-abdominal pressure promotes blood circulation, especially the venous return circulation, contributing to cardiovascular health. Provides more efficient functioning of the heart.
• Internal Pressure Management: Training focused on regulating intra-abdominal pressure promotes better control and management of internal pressure, benefiting internal organs and musculoskeletal structures.
• Balances pelvic floor and abdominal tone.
• Reduces fluid retention, by lymphatic and pelvic decongestion.
• Relieves back pain.
• Reduces stress and anxiety.

The hypopressive technique is central to this program, emphasizing the practice of specific exercises that promote the reduction of intra-abdominal pressure. This is achieved through the coordinated contraction of specific muscle groups, resulting in a reduction in pressure in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. This method not only strengthens the core, but also contributes to a series of physiological benefits.

By integrating the myofascial chains, the program recognizes the fascial interconnection that runs throughout the body. Special attention is given to myofascial release of the diaphragm, providing greater mobility to the main breathing muscle. This approach not only contributes to improving posture, but mainly for the optimization of respiratory function.

The principles of neurodynamics and neuroeducation are fundamental to understanding and improving the connection between the central and peripheral nervous systems. The program incorporates techniques that aim to optimize neuromuscular communication, resulting in a more effective body response to postural and respiratory demands.

The program consists of 12 video classes, about 3 months of follow-up, time needed for neural and bodily reprogramming to occur!