
Francesca Stoico

Category Bikinis

I'm Francesca Stoico, I have 26 years old and I am a Professional Athlete in the Fitness universe. I work as a Personal Trainer in Forlì, Italy and manage an exclusive Personal Training Club.

I define myself as an enterprising and daring person, I always set big goals for my life.

I started training in 2014, when I had 18 years, because I didn't like my physique. I considered myself very small and wanted to gain more muscle mass.

The first approach to the weight room was also recommended to me by my orthopedist, who throughout my adolescence followed and monitored my scoliosis, thanks to which I learned new training techniques.

I have always believed that nothing is impossible and that if we really commit to our goals, we will make our dreams come true. This philosophy has brought me to where I am today., I never stopped believing in myself, I always set new goals and never rested on my laurels.

During these eight years of career I had the opportunity to visit many countries, among them Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Japan etc.

Like any athlete, I faced defeats., but I learned great lessons from them and became even more determined and strong to face the challenges that lie ahead.

I joined Team Pannain in 2019 e, since then, I won 6 Professional Competitions and I qualified for 4 consecutive years for Mr.. Olympia, the most important championship in the world of Fitness.